shimshon nagroda

On 8.09.2017, during the Sabbath in the Cukierman prayer house, we geave the first “brick” – a statuette for the friends of our foundation. A brick statuette from Bedzin will be handed over to the special people associated with our foundation. It is an expression of appreciation and gratitude for friendship, faith, support and work for the Polish-Jewish dialogue.
The first brick is for our friend Shimshon Jashvitz from Israel. Before the war his father lived in Bedzin at Modrzejowska str.
Shimshon and his wife Ofra are our dear friends who always await us with love and good word. There is no word to express our gratitude …
Thank you!

Text on the statuette:

“Memory is the source of faith.
Have faith it to have memories “
Abraham Joshua Heschel

To Shimshon Jashvitz,
for support the consolidation of memory and to build a common future.

Brama Cukermana Foundation
Poland, Będzin 2017